All Nice neat & organized....
With Everything in its designated spot
TURN INTO...............................

and this......

and last......this.
Lots of sewing & projects of course......but this particular mess was after one tote bag being made-----with thread and scraps thrown all over the floor.....(Doing it the Eleanor Burns way!-YEAH!) man, was this was killing me to leave it all on the floor. I used to have an OCD problem with being very neat & tidy, but well all that went to hell after having my 3rd child--mothers out there you all know kids can make a mess......
Without a separate sewing/craft room, in my first post as a blogger, I stated that my Kitchen/Dining area had to be turned into my working area.....sigh......the fam haven't eaten on this table for a while husband is threatening to leave a comment on my blog about my mess-----well honey(my husband).....don't worry it's going to be cleaned.....soon......just after I took some photos and enter it for Chelsea of Vintage Chic Boutique & Pink Fig Patterns Messiest Craft Room Contest.

It all started with Lila Tueller's Blog about keeping it real.......You go Lila! I was one of the very few that got the chance to read her blog before her revisions....and man....was it freakin' awesome----so you know what??......i'm following in their footsteps and "keeping it real" myself & allowing the world and my closest friends and family to see the "real" me now---not the after I've cleaned the house for so many hours because I know they are coming over and I can't let them see how messy I am "me".----So folks, this is one of many messy parts in my house.....don't even make me post a pic of my knitting area.....ay ya yay.....
Thanks Chelsea for making up a great contest and thanks to Lila Tueller for showing us how great and relieving it is to just be real.
Your quilts are really beautiful. My grandmother made one for each of us in the family years ago - I don't like to use mine because I don't want to mess it up. She can't do them anymore because of her age, but yours remind me of when I was a child. She would make all or my mom's clothers too.
I love them all - your very talented.
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