Friday, May 1, 2009

Korkers and clippies and boutique bows, OH MY!

I'm hooked! I wanted to make only a couple of clippies, but I just couldn't stop at 2. I stayed up until 3am making some really cute bows that I'm proud of and making quite a mess--who knew this little craft could be so messy, addicting, and frustrating, but so worth it at the same time?!
So I thought I would share the bows that I ended up making :)

My latest korker bow that I made to match a couple of Bel's dresses

A photo of my very first korkers...I've come a loooong way, almost to embarrasing to show these

Mini-clippies for both girls in solid colors for playdates--super no-slip!

This is my twisted, stacked boutique bow that is waaaaay to big to placed on either one of my girls hair, but I know the perfects little girl with TONS of hair to model this bow for me :)

So, that's it for now, I'll have to take photos of these bow and clips in action! Hope you liked my bows!


Shari said...

These bows are so bright and colourful and perfect for little girls! You've done so well for a beginner. Glad you found something to keep you busy in between quilting and all the other stuff life throws at you...

Heather said...

you are so busy. . . truly incredible!

Aimee said...

I really like your bows! Where do you buy the clips? I want to make some for my girls but haven't been sure where to find the clips.

Trisha said...

Wow, they all look so perfect! I can see how making these could get addicting. Looks like you have the knack for it!

marmee said...

looks like you found a new obsession. but how fun and the girls will love all their handmade bows.

Shannon said...

ohmygoodness. I had thought to send you and Kate a box of bows for your girls as an afterthought for the scrappy swap I still feel a little bad about... but I think you are doing very well on your own! I then thought maybe I'd send some pretty ribbon for you to have fun with... but then I scrolled down and see that you've managed to collect more than I have over the past 3 years.

Your bows look great. Having girls is way way fun.

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