Thursday, September 4, 2008

Taking A Break from Quilting

I have been quilting way too much these past couple of weeks that I needed to switch gears and do a different kind of sewing.....I chose two projects to do that only took me a total of 1 1/2 hours. The first project is the Wildflower Pincushion by Anna Maria Horner, You can find that tutorial here.
Mine turned out just great....I love this pattern, I will be doing lots more of these and probably tweaking it a bit to create my own kind of's mine: I also did my own pattern for a Needle Case......Girl with Bouquet. I'm hoping to have a tutorial made for this project soon, but for now here's a look at my Needle Case. So this was a great way for me to use my time while not quilting....there are days when I just want to sew & make bags of course!---that's my addiction and my kind of patterns. So that's it for now, I'm heading off to bed.....gonna turn in early for once. Check back later, hopefully I'll have my tutorial up.


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